Who’s Invited: All members, advisors, and Kiwanis Family partners of Capital District CKI!
Registration Costs and Deadlines
Full Package – Hotel (4 to a room), all meals, all workshops and sessions
Regular Registration: $180 until February 4, 2025
Day Pass – all workshops and sessions, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner
Regular Registration: $110 until February 10, 2025
Day Pass is available to clubs within 40 miles of the Convention location. This includes the following schools: American University, Bowie State University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Howard University and the University of Maryland. Day pass does not included lodging.
If you indicated in your registration form that your club is paying for you and you don’t cancel your registration on time they will still be required to pay for you.
Meet other service-minded college students fom around the district
Network with Kiwanis professionals from MD, VA, DE, WV, and DC
Get your club and members recognized with awards
Hotel accommodations are included with a low registration price
Trying to get more service hours? Join us for a service project fair impacting the DMV area.
Knowledge is power – get educated at our real-world panels and workshops.
Elect (or get elected into) the 2025-2026 Capital District Board
Cheese out on all the opportunities for CKI to benefit communities!
Club and Individual Awards
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Due February 2, 2025 11:59 p.m. ET
The annual District Convention is a celebration of achievement. Our clubs and members have done amazing things, and this is their time to shine! There are numerous awards available to help recognize outstanding clubs, leaders, and more. Take time now to collect photos, documents, and other items that can highlight the great things your club has been doing!
Each year the Capital District of Kiwanis and the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation award matching scholarships to outstanding CKI members. Up to five $1,000 scholarships may be awarded each year. For more information and to apply, see the Scholarship Application.
Deadline: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 11:59 p.m.
International Scholarship
Circle K International offers three scholarship opportunities with rewards ranging from $1000 to $2,460. Visit the CKI website to apply.
Deadline: Saturday, February 1, 2025 11:59 p.m.
The main purpose of the District Convention is to hold the House of Delegates. This body, composed of representatives from clubs within the district, votes upon changes to the district bylaws and elects the district leaders for the following year. Each club in good standing is entitled to TWO voting delegates. Clubs must submit a Delegate Certification Form prior to the House of Delegates.
Anyone interested in running for district office or seeking endorsement for international office must click the packet below to review descriptions and completed the required Declaration of Candidacy and Service Agreement form prior to February 21, 2025.
The elected positions are:
Communications Coordinator
Lt. Governors
You must be a member in good standing While the first three positions are open to any member in good standing within the district, the Lt. Governor positions are limited to members within their specific division.
Questions? Email District Administrator Catie Dugan Vargas at administrator@cdcki.org.