Kiwanis International
Kiwanis is the reason CKI exists. Kiwanis sponsors CKI and the other Service Leadership Programs listed below. It’s an organization for adults who want to serve children and improve their communities.
Kiwanis has nearly 200,000 members in more than 80 countries. Kiwanis empowers individuals of every age and ability to become compassionate leaders and contributors through service to others.

Circle K International
Circle K International (CKI) is a sponsored program of Kiwanis International, a community-service organization for professionals. There are thousands of members in hundreds of clubs on campuses worldwide.

Key Club International
With more than 276,000 members in more than 5,000 high schools, Key Club is the world’s largest and oldest service leadership organization for teens. These students could be the next generation of Circle K, so get to know them: invite them to participate in your projects, offer to help with theirs or speak at their club meetings.

Builders Club International
Builders Club is an international student-led service organization for middle school/junior high students. It’s for young people who want to build a better world through service. CKI members can be a positive influence on these students and CKI clubs are encouraged to co-sponsor a Builders Club with their local Kiwanis club.

K-Kids International
K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary school students. It teaches members that they have the ability to improve their world by helping others. They identify, plan, and lead community service projects. CKI clubs are encouraged to co-sponsor a K-Kids club with a local Kiwanis club so you can extend your community impact.

Aktion Club International
Aktion Club is the only member-led service club for adults with disabilities. Members plan, lead, and participate in community service projects. Members gain self confidence and a sense of belonging and communities gain a hard-working group of always- eager volunteers.